Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Memorable Day

Grandpa and I were talking the other day.  Grandpa says that if a person lives to be 78 years old they will have lived 28,470 days.  He says that the funny thing is, that as you get older you don't remember but a handful of them.  He says that you will always remember the important ones like when he married Grandma or when they adopted daddy and uncle Zach.  He says he will always remember when daddy and mommy got married and the day that I was born.  He says that he also remembers some of the stupid things he did in his life like when he was 12 or 13 and peed on Mark Fairbrother from the back of a hay rack.  Or when in first grade he took his mom's pearl necklace and gave it to Wendy Hogan and how embarrassed he was when Wendy Hogan's mom returned it to his mom that same night.  But Grandpa says that except for days like that or other really important days like when President Bush finally left office that all the days of a person's life just kind of run together and it is hard to remember one day from the next.

Well the whole point of my telling you all this is that I will always remember my 10 month birthday, September 6th, 2010.  It is the day that I discovered that toilet paper comes off a roll!  How cool is that! It is the best thing ever.  I don't think I've found anything quite so fun in my entire life yet.  So here are some pictures from that historic day.