Grandpa says that he has a few very simple rules that govern his life. One of them, he says, is that when it comes to parenting there should never be more kids than adults. Well yesterday I think I found out why grandpa says that. Yesterday, while mommy and daddy were at a garage sale and grandma was at school, grandpa got a phone call from our friend and neighbor Sara. Sara asked if someone could come down to her house and help watch a couple little babies for a little while. Sara had to take the babies mommy to the urgent care because she was really sick.
So grandpa and I walked down the street and met Currel and Curnice. Currell is a year old and Curnice is only 10 days old!
Personally I think Sara was nuts to think grandpa could handle a 12 month old, a nine month old and a 10 day old all by himself and apparently grandma did too because as soon as grandpa called her to tell her what he was doing she left school to come help. At least someone in this family has some common sense.

Actually Curnice slept at first so Grandpa probably could have managed for a while.
If you remember my blog posting from my trip to New York in May you will recall that I kind of have a thing for older boys. But things with Nathan didn't work out because of my drooling issues at the time. So this time I was resolved to being a little more cautious. At first I was very shy around Currel and wasn't sure what to think. But he was very nice and shared his binky with me. I think that is very important. You can tell a lot about a boy when he puts your needs before his.

It took a while but before you know it we were playing together like we had known each other since we were babies.
OK everyone, even though I'm only 9 months old I know the stereotype that all girls have a thing about a boy having a nice butt. I'll have you know right here and now that this is not a Kenny Chesney moment. This is a Currel wasn't smelling to good and grandpa needed to change his diaper moment.
Then grandma came to the rescue. She brought lunch. Chicken tenders and french fries. Grandpa said it was just like growing up on the farm when he had to go out and feed the pigs. I'm not sure what he meant by that but I don't think it was too complimentary.
Currel must have gotten his fill because it was nap time for him. Grandpa? Well, it's always nap time for Grandpa.