Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My First Birthday

Grandpa pulled me aside Saturday and said, "Pumpkin, I want to tell you something.  This may come as a surprise to you but someday it won't be all about you."  I looked at him like he was a bit loony because that makes no sense to me whatsoever, but then he continued saying, "...but don't worry Pumpkin because today is not that day.  Today is your first birthday and today, more than ever, it is all about you!"

Boy!  Was my Grandpa ever right.  Grandma and mommy worked very hard and decorated the house with balloons and signs and posters.  They threw me not one, but two birthday parties! We had all kinds of food and special tiaras for everyone to wear.  Grandpa even wore one but he said after last week's posting with him wearing a wig he was done putting pictures of himself on this blog that make him look like an idiot.

All kinds of people came.  I can't count that high yet but Grandpa said there were almost 30 people that came to see me on my birthday.  There were mommy and daddy's friends and Grandma's friends (Grandpa doesn't have any friends of his own) and my Paw Paw, Grammy and Great Grammy all came.  There were little kids like me.  And guess what? 

They all brought presents!!!! 

Even my daddy's friend Jerry (everyone calls him JEERRR-WEEE) who came at the last moment brought my a new outfit. I got clothes and new toys and puzzles and books. It was awesome!

And then we had cake! For the afternoon party we had special cupcakes. I took my special princess shirt off so I wouldn't make a mess of it because let me tell you. I am all about the cake and I am especially all about the frosting. There is a line from a Back Porch Mary song that goes "Rise up with me and seize the day!" Let me tell you - that's what I did. Then I fell asleep. Oops.  

Grandpa thought it was so cool he took a video of it and put out on You Tube. How embarrassing. Thanks Grandpa.

I had a really great birthday.  I asked Grandpa how come we didn't have such a neat party for his birthday.  He said to just wait 29 more years and when he turns 80 that I can throw a big party for him and video tape him falling asleep while eating his cake.  I told him, "Sorry Grandpa but you fall asleep all the time now.  I don't think we'll need to wait 29 more years."

1 comment:

  1. "Grandpa even wore one but he said after last week's posting with him wearing a wig he was done putting pictures of himself on this blog that make him look like an idiot."

    What? Isn't that reason number two why we check in with you, Alexis?

    Happy birthday, little lady.
