Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Great Aunt Lori

Hi again!  You remember my Great Aunt Lori right.  She is my Grandma's sister that lives in New York and had my Great Aunt Joy's wedding at her farm a couple weeks ago.  Well Aunt Lori came to St. Louis last Friday and spent a few days helping to take care of Grandma after she came home from the hospital.  She did a really good job.  She cooked lots of really good meals for everyone to eat.  Well, everyone but me.  I have all my food specially prepared by Chef Gerber.

Grandma and Aunt Lori had a really great time together.  Aunt Lori introduced Grandma to her favorite TV show, Law and Order.  Grandma introduced Aunt Lori to The Bachelorette.  Grandpa tried to get them both to watch the animated Ricky Gervais show but everyone in our house except Grandpa and I think that show is stupid.  They don't have our finely honed sense of humor. 

Grandma was very sad when Aunt Lori left tonight.  I think Grandma doesn't think Grandpa can take as good of care of her while she recovers from her surgery.  Grandpa says he probably can't cook as good as Aunt Lori but he will do his best to make sure nobody starves to death. 

I am really getting good at standing up now - as long as I have something to hold on to.  It's really cool.  I just love standing next to the coffee table and pulling off whatever is on it onto the floor.

Tonight Grandpa gave me a bath in the bathtub.  He put on his swimming trunks and got in with me and he held me in the bathtub so I wouldn't slip and drown.  He washed my hair and rinsed it with clean water from a big cup.  It felt like I was sitting under a waterfall.  Then I had a lot of fun splashing my hand in the water.

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